
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Half way there

Easter holidays here are now well under way and we couldn't have had a worse start. The children were ill, again! Lucy started and then of course Heather and Matthew just had to join in, all my dreams of trips to the zoo or the park were displaced by buckets and lots and lots of washing! Luckily they had all made a good recovery by the Easter weekend and we were able to attend an Easter egg hunt we were all looking forward to. The weather has even improved over the last few days, and that strange yellowy thing has appeared in the sky! The garden is still mud strewn and playing out there is likely to result in children sinking into the mud or becoming covered in it!

As a result of the weather and the sickness lots of things had to be moved, even Mr T's birthday which is tomorrow has been put off until Saturday as he is attending a business course. My birthday however was celebrated yesterday, and it was lovely. I had a wonderful, peaceful lie-in managing not only to drink a hot cup of tea but also read several chapters of my book uninterrupted. I had help opening my cards and presents from three willing helpers and what a lovely array of goodies there were. My Mum was able to come over and as a group we went ten pin bowling, it was the first time we had all played together as the last few times the kids had been attending parties. I knew it was too good to be true when my firs bowl secured me a strike, the first and last of the afternoon!

Pizza finished the day for the kids as well as several verses and variations of Happy Birthday with the cake. Watching a film with Mr T saw the day end on a relatively peaceful note.

The rest of the holidays are fairly well planned, Heather is going trampolining tomorrow, Lucy will be at nursery, and then on Thursday we are hoping to go swimming and on Friday we have another play date. The children return to school on Wednesday next week and I am hoping that this summer term will be the one where I can motor on with my novel. I have been scribbling away, but there is not much consistency at the moment as the children always seem to interrupt just as I get into my stride.

Finally, there is an election coming, you may have missed the already blanket coverage, but on 6th May the country will go to the polls. Or will they? Will there be a winner? My plea, please do go to the polls, whoever it may be that you wish to support but don't let the opportunity pass you by and waste the gift of democracy that we have in this country!

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