We are now thankfully coming to the end of two, yes two weeks of half term. Usually I look forward to the holidays, no real ties and can do nice things with the kids. This half term was no exception. We had to do some necessary but boring things like haircuts but we also managed to do some more exciting ones.
The first important thing we had to do was keep Bertie Bear, one of the schools travelling bears entertained. We took him to Disney On Ice at the 02 which was brilliant. Lucy, even at the age of 2 1/2 was enthralled from start to finish and Matthew only asked when it was going to be finished a couple of times. It was a good all round show for big and little people and it got a big paws up from the bear as well.
We then had a couple of days or running about and errands and then an exciting day for Heather as she went to a day at her stables. She loved finding out about how much horses eat, where and how they sleep and how to groom them, as well as having an extra couple of lessons. She enjoyed having a packed lunch and even made a new friend.
Lucy continued to go to nursery as she was having visits to the big girls room and I didn't want to disrupt her and the big two were excited to have an indoor picnic as well as making Halloween art on the Thursday. Friday I have to admit was all about Take That and as I emerged finally victorious after my battle with Ticketmaster I did feel slightly bad that a few hours had passed in a volley of reloads and Disney Channel. Still when the 1st of July comes I will be hanging from the rafters of Wembley Stadium and listening to the concert even if the performers are a way away, it's all about being there, (I hope!)
The kids dressed up for Halloween and we made some big decorations, we also made Bertie Bear a costume and he became a vampire for the day, as did Pooh bear as Lucy insisted that he dress up as well.
Mr T had a few days off at the beginning of the second week and clubs restarted so we had the usual tennis, the violin teacher came and did an extra lesson and Mr T enjoyed building lego with them and generally messing about. Thursday was another visit to friends and Friday was Lucy's last day as a caterpillar in nursery as next week she will become a butterfly. We were all able to go for the party tea and I have to admit it was bittersweet. As much as I want the kids to progress I also want them to stay little, and time seems to be speeding past at the moment.
The main issue this half term has been the constant bickering between the children, I seem to have spent most of my time putting one or another of them in time out, finding them activities they can do on their own or trying to play referee. Yesterday I finally flipped, Santa has been called upon to help. He is now watching us and if they cannot get on they won't be on the nice list, I know it's bribery but if it buys me a few days of good behaviour I will be grateful. As much as they fight however, there is also evidence to say they love one another. We got Lucy a new car seat and obviously the box it arrived in had to be put to use, so into it Heather was put, not altogether happily at first, her protestations caused Matthew to leap to her defence against Daddy and once she was the right way up all three of them enjoyed the new racing car - until it broke down anyway!
Tonight we are off to a fireworks party and then a quiet Sunday before school on Monday, not that I'm counting or anything...