I have been lucky enough to receive an award from my friend gaelikaa. The idea is to list ten honest things about yourself and then pass the award onto seven other bloggers so here goes;
1. I trained as a teacher and taught for four years before leaving the profession to be a mummy and follow my dreams to be a writer.
2. I met Mr T on millennium eve, I went to his party with a friend and we got chatting. We walked down to the River Thames to watch the fireworks and he held my hand because mine was cold, the rest as they say is history.
3. I have given birth naturally to all three of my children with only my TENS machine for pain relief and gas and air for the stitches, they have all been breast fed.
4. My first book was published in January 2009 and I am now working on a second novel, with plans for another and trying to craft some short stories as well as publicise the first novel.
5. Being a Mum is the hardest and most varied job I have ever had, but also the most satisfying.
6. I got married in Trinity college Cambridge by special licence as Mr T attended there, it was a wonderful place to get married and I hope that when we get to twenty years we can renew our vows there!
7. I am trying not to be such a control freak as I hate it when I am not in control and this leads to the most problems in our house as I am also stubborn and do not like admitting when I am wrong.
8. My guilty pleasures include Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, I also like medical dramas, crime dramas and soaps! I like Disney films too.
9. I wish I had better general knowledge, I am studying for a second degree with the Open University and plan to follow it up with an MA. I would like to do my PHD but I am not sure I am brave enough, I hate to fail or give up on anything that I start.
10. I have overcome both annorexia and bulimia and hope that my own battles with food and weight will enable me to give my children a better balanced view. I have discovered that it is the person inside that provides the beauty not the shell in which they hide.
Now seven bloggers to pass it onto;
Melroxx, http://melroxx.blogspot.com/
Leigh Russell, http://leighrussell.blogspot.com/
Tim Atkinson http://bringingupcharlie.blogspot.com/
Tara Cain http://stickyfingers1.blogspot.com/
Lil's so very sweet pictures, http://lilyamber.blogspot.com/
Caroline Whitney http://withenay.blogspot.com/