Saturday marked a rite of passage for Matthew and his Daddy, he went to his very first football match at the Walkers stadium. I'm not sure who was more excited, Matthew or Mr T. I will admit I was a little worried, it was a big game and would be loud, there would be large numbers of people and Matthew has this tendency to wander off whenever it takes his fancy. But not only did Leicester win but Matthew stayed in his seat cuddling his uncle Chris and seemed to really enjoy himself.
In case you didn't know it's book day on Thursday. The kids school, like many others, are celebrating with a whole host of events. The pinnacle of which occurs on Thursday with dressing up as a character day, an event which sends some of us cowering into a corner. Heather was relatively easy, she decided she was going to be Mia the bridesmaid fairy. We looked through her wardrobe to see if we had what we needed;
pink sparkly shoes, check,
pink dress, check,
pink fairy wings and wand, check,
pink flower for hair, check,
so far so good.
Me to Matthew 'who would you like to dress up as Matthew?'
'Elmer the elephant'
Me after a short sit down, 'are you sure you wouldn't rather be buzz lightyear or woody from Toy story?'
He was adamant, so Elmer he is, I managed to get some cheap material in the right colours, and several hundred sewn squares later he has a passable multicoloured costume. We are awaiting the delivery of a mask which he can decorate in Elmer colours and then he'll be ready. I hope he chooses something a little easier next year!
So Heather didn't feel left out I wrote her a story for book week, it involved lots of fairy tale characters, magic and school buildings turning into castles, she loved it and drew lots of pictures for me. Luckily Mr T has scanned them into the computer, put them in the right place and made it into a booklet for her, she has proudly taken into school today.
We have also booked out holiday, we are going back to Florida this year and have managed to secure a coveted table at Cinderella's castle for the date of Heather's 6th birthday, only a few months to wait!