Phew thank goodness another weekend is approaching quickly, hopefully it will be better than the last one when the entire family managed to get a sickness bug one after the other! Still H was thankfully recovered enough to return to school on Monday and she was ever so excited, wonder how long it will be until the novelty wears off. Matthew has definitely missed her and learned to say bye bye as well!
Our main sticking point this week has been the dark, Tumble Tots have promoted Heather to a later class so when we come out it is getting dark, this apparently upsets Heather who takes offence to the Sun going to sleep! This was not helped by an apparently scary story at school which her teacher told me made her dissolve into tears despite having read the same story for years with no problems. I had to stay behind, how funny that even now, despite having been a teacher when her teacher said she needed a word I felt like I was in trouble! I wonder if we ever grow out of that feeling, maybe it's just me! I'll probably wet myself if I ever get called in to see the headmistress.
Heather completly refused all my efforts to encourage her to dress up as a witch as everything was too scary so trick or treaters left our house with no answer yesterday as I hate to think what her reaction would have been seeing assorted ghosts, monsters and witches on the doorstep, luckily we were only summoned once!
Still I am chuffed with the progress she is making at school now and Matthew, not to be left out is learning new things every day and despite the hard work it is great watching them grow.
In terms of my assignment I had to write a 750 piece of fiction from a prompt given and then write a commentary detailing what helped me from the matrials provided as well as doing a freewrite which involves writing down random thoughts from a prompt which can be a single word or phrase. All good fun, cut off day for submission is tomorrow so then just have to await the results!