Florida with three young children was hard work but rewarding at the same time. We were able to book meals with many of the character which meant that we didn't have to chase them around the parks and stand in a long queue for hours on end. We did however have to queue for those with whom we couldn't eat, this was mainly the newer toy story 3 characters, although in the main we were lucky, catching them before the queues were too bad.
Whilst we were soaking up the sun, Heather had her 6th birthday, she loved wearing a badge that meant everyone said Happy Birthday to her as they passed. As a special surprise we booked her into the bibbidi bobbidi boutique. It is a girly girls dream come true. We had booked the top package so Heather had the works her face was priceless when she realised what she was going to be doing. First of all she chose the dress she wanted and after a few minutes she was shown into a dressing room. Laid out for her were the dress, shoes, tiara, wand with glowing blue bits and gloves and handbag. She dressed with only a minimum of moaning about how itchy the dress was. The next job was having her hair done, she chose a style she liked and even had her nails pained and make-up. A stick on flower was placed on her cheek and finally before her new look was revealed she had to close her eyes, make a wish and whilst this was going on green pixie dust was liberally applied to her head, this got everywhere over the course of the day.
All of this was followed by a photo shoot where Heather who now had a badge declaring she was a princess and a beauty bag with all the bits and bobs in was able to try out a variety of poses. Lunch was hosted by the princesses in Cinderella's castle and she was given a cupcake as a present and a card signed by the princesses. She did miss having her birthday at home, and on our return was delighted to be able to open all the bits we hadn't taken with us but she did enjoy being a princess.
In the evening she was taken back to Magic Kingdom by Mr T so that she could watch the fireworks and electrical parade. We did have a magical time, our most successful days were those that we pre-planned what we were going to do, the kids would happily have disappeared in different directions and as there are so many shows, parades and rides to fit in we found it helpful to only attempt a few rides each day.
The holidays seem to have flown by but with only two full weeks left before school resumes we are starting to wind down a little. The children have joined the library summer reading scheme and have been doing the homework they were given, we still have a few trips planned but not such a hectic schedule as before. I am looking forward to finally getting some writing done again as they have other things to occupy them.
The house seems to be finally getting somewhere as we had an offer on ours, this in itself makes you think more about the tasks ahead but until everything is signed I am trying not to think about what lies ahead! Still I guess it'll all be worth it in the end.