Monday dawned bright and sunny, luckily Mr T has a birthday approaching and so we were able to write cards and wrap presents to the our heart's delight, we were then able to enjoy the sunshine as we strolled down to the postbox to post cards for other birthdays happening. Then we threw open the doors and enjoyed the garden.
Tuesday is the worst day of the week in some ways, the weekly Gymbabes session. Gymbabes is great for Lucy, it encourages walking, climbing and ,movement skills. That is all great, except she spends the majority of the time watching everyone else and the rest giggling as she goes through tunnels and pulls herself up on soft boxes. Matthew, on the other hand has to be confined to a buggy otherwise he spends the entire time racing around the hall and risking injury to the little ones participating. Thus confined he spends the entire time moaning and yelling 'I want a biscuit...' over and over again like a stuck record. Even Heather's attempts to distract him failed, perhaps her choice of reading him Cinderella was not so inspired.
Anyway today was a fresh day and we were off to visit Grandma and Uncle C, in the lovely seven seat Chrysler we voyaged to Wimpole Hall Farm! What a lovely time we had. The day was sunny, bright and so warm no coats were required, we even enjoyed our first al fresco meal. It is lambing season and we were lucky enough to see lambs only fifteen minutes old, piglets suckling only weeks old.
The shire horses were lovely and the goats very friendly. Matthews favourite however was the chickens, he loved them and was convinced that they were cock a doodle doodling especially for him;
'They're looking at me Mummy'
What made me smile the most was that both of the older children armed with their v-tech kid safe cameras were snapping away, Matthew was polite enough to ask them to smile and even showed the subject their picture afterwards. Topped off with a birthday cake in honour of Uncle C back at Grandma's and a quick game of hide and seek and it was time to pile back in the car for a quick(ish) spin down the M11.
Tomorrow we are making rockets and moon bases from the packaging and wrapping rolls of Mr T's presents. Wish me luck...