This weekend has proven to be a much better weekend than last, we now have the sound of coughing and sneezing accompanying us wherever we go but the kids are in better spirits, especially with the sun coming out from its hiding place for a while.
We were able to catch up with friends and family that we had had to delay the previous week. What surprised me most was Heathers reaction to our friends rather swish racing car/ go-kart ( the debate still rages...) She was desperate to have a go which for a girly girl seemed rather out of character. Still she harried our poor friend until she was taken out for a quick tour round the block much to Mr T's jealousy. When she came back she had the biggest smile on her face and we were told that the faster they had gone the more she had laughed. Perhaps Mr T will have a racing driver in the family.
Matthew meanwhile, who I had expected to be jumping up and down demanding a ride failed to notice the car when he went past it twice on his bike, partly because his helmet was over his eyes and partly because he was concentrating so hard on riding his bike that he simply didn't notice. When it was time to say goodbye and the car was pointed out to him he became rather shy and speechless and refused to believe that it has been parked on the drive for a couple of hours and that he had walked past it.
Lucy loved having another Belle cake and even more presents and cards to open, she recognised one of the books she was given as one she had heard at nursery. She did have us in stitches though as she improvised the reasons why various animals were unsuitable for pets when she couldn't remember the words. The snake was too slithery, the camel was too sleepy and the frog, well he was just too froggy!
He did at last manage to get some of his Lego built, with all the jobs we have been doing things like Lego have been on the backburner, but now he has a lego fire station and car built and is loving playing with them, he has several bits to go with them so I see Easter holidays having a lot to do with little square bit of colour and instruction manuals!
The time seems to be passing very quickly at the moment, the children finish for Easter this Friday and that will also be Lucy's last day at nursery, she goes to pre-school in September so we are going to have our last few adventures on our own before she gets swallowed up by a term time schedule. It's funny really because throughout term time I complain about the school run and having to ferry them from one activity or party to another and then as soon as the holidays hit I moan about not having structure, them being bored and the difficulty of entertaining them, but I think on balance I prefer the freedom of the holidays. If the weather is good we can pack a picnic and head to the park, walk to the station and explore London of if it is really nice head to the beach. If the weather is bad we can have indoor picnics, arts and crafts and visits it's all a matter of time really.
The thing I have learned as a Mum is that the children have a way of disrupting your plans, they often don't mean to but nothing is sacred, sports day was the same day I had been awarded Wimbledon tickets for, bugs disrupt party or night out plans and so on, but in the end I am lucky. I can work from home and enjoy them growing up and despite all the changes to my plans I have to make the most of this. As we were taking the Happy Birthday banners down last night we realised that three was now the smallest age in the house, and while it is still a small number it seems on other ways so big. All the children are gaining more independence and asserting themselves as best they can.
I am looking forward to nosing around the school displays this week as they have an open evening, and Heather has a dressing up day, business as usual then.