Whisper it, the word that strikes fear into the hearts of many of us is less than 50 sleeps away. The shops are gearing up with displays of gifts and toys galore and it won't be long before you everywhere you go has sparkly tinsel and twinkling lights and Christmas songs plague our ears. I am not against Christmas at all but I am already fed up with the 'can we add this to our list?' question.
So I suppose I thought to myself a week or so ago I ought to start the pre festivities diet or I won't be able to fit into this dress or that skirt. This year though I have decided not to bother, I have decided that losing a few pounds just so that I can pile them back on again at all the parties and kids events and work dos that are already filling my diary is pointless. Neither am I going to make the New Year resolution to get back down to pre-kids weight as by the end of January not much has changed and I get cross myself with failing yet again.
Maybe it is just that I have come to accept that pre-kids not just the weight was different, I could have a hot drink while it was still hot, I didn't know who Hannah Montana was and the kids package on the SKY box was never activated. Nowadays the presents under the tree spill out further and further and the bills go in the wrong direction. This year I will not be going out at the last minute to get more presents because they have changed their mind about what they simply cannot live without. The main presents are bought, not wrapped just yet and so just a few stocking fillers to get.
The house saga rumbles on, we have had plenty of viewings and even a couple of decent offers, the issue being that the offering people have yet to sell, the winter being upon us means that there are less people trying to move house so in general I think we'll be stuck here for the next few months at least. Still at least I know where to pitch the Christmas tree!