I realised today that I haven't posted in a long time, lots has been going on/
We survived the rest of half term with a Halloween party, a trip to the local farm and more craft work and a flurry of Disney Princess films as Heather and I were invited to go and see Princess wishes at the 02. It was nice weather for October and we even managed to get out into the garden a couple of times.
The highlight for the children was on the Sunday before school as we attended a Halloween party with a firework display at the end. The children were very excited but I was nervous, at the same event the previous year Matthew had gone into hysterics when the fireworks started and I had to go and and sit in the car with him. He had then had hysterics every time there was a mild bang anywhere near him!
This year, thankfully, was different, he couldn't wait to get out there and watch the bangs and enjoyed it immensely, Lucy clapped her way through the display and pointed to the sky repeatedly and Heather oohed and aahed along with the rest of us. We had a great time and so we were able to go and attend another firework party at a friends. The main problem with this was that the children seemed to have left their manners and good behaviour at home. They were greedy with the food that was laid out, spent most of their time racing about the house and counting to ten wasn't getting me anywhere! Luckily the fireworks distracted them and the sparklers were a hit. The thing they really loved however were the glow sticks. Florescent lights that you can wave about and so on, the kids (and adults) loved them.
Back to school proved to be a bit of an ordeal as Heather began to complain about her ear hurting, she has had numerous problems with her ears and it is unlike her to complain so, typically, on the first day back after half term I spent an hour and a half in the doctors surgery. Poor little Heather screamed and sobbed when her ear was examined and the end result was that her ear was congested but not infected, a return visit on Wednesday as she was still in pain yielded the same result and thus we left it. I was hoping to get her back to see her consultant as she may need to be checked over again but we have been advised that as this was a first instance of the problems recurring we will only be re-referred if there is another problem within a fortnight, I wouldn't mind but we have private insurance so it would actually cost us money not the NHS, she has already begun sneezing again and has acquired a more grey pallor than usual...
On the plus side I got a great mark for my first essay on my OU course, I have done the Christmas shopping for the children and have even managed to get Matthew's racing car that he wants and has mentioned every day delivered when he wasn't here, now just have to sneak it into the loft without setting off any of the noises!
Swings and roundabouts. That's it, isn't it Mel.
Did you say 'done' the Christmas shopping?!
Only for the kids, the notorious Mr T, relatives and so on to go, but impressed Mr T has provided a list this year, already!
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