
Monday, February 16, 2009

Half term take two

This week is the beginning of Matthews half term, Heather on the other hand is back at school! Typical, poor Heather was cooped up in a week filled with snow and rain, dragged to Tumble Tots to watch her siblings and not a lot happened. Now the weather is brighter and all the groups have joined the half term break, we still can't go anywhere for the whole day as traffic worry will set in and and I will be racing back to collect Heather.

I am determined to get back on track with the writing, I have spent quite a lot of time recently promoting the book and writing to people to try and get it stocked. I have managed to draft two short stories and sketched out the plot for my second, slightly more serious novel and now need to do the research to back it up.

Matthew has had other ideas of course, he has seemed to be determined to make sure that I get no work at all done by taking every opportunity to hurt one of his sisters. Friday was awful. Lucy who is now semi- mobile, (commando crawling, beginning to pull herself up) happened to pull on his trousers whilst he was colouring at the table, his response was to take the pencil he was using and drag it across her eyelid cutting it open. Lots of blood and calming an hysterical four year old down later and I was able to see that the cut was not too terrible and that Lucy would indeed be OK despite Heather's assurances that she needed to go to hospital!

Anyway harmony has since broken out, Mr T took the Heather and Matthew to build a snowman as we still had some at the end of the garden, I was rather miffed as I was in bed with a migraine, and all my attempts to get the kids to make a snowman had been spurned. I guess there are some things which are just better if Daddy does them!

I have also managed to find a gym with a crèche which means that I can get some exercise when Heather and Matthew are at school and start taking Lucy swimming during the day, just have to join now!

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