
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lucy has her first day at nursery!

This week we have mostly been celebrating Lucy. She turned two at the weekend and she had a lovely time! We went to an indoor play centre in the morning, Mr T and I spent much of our time there climbing stairs and going down slides!

The afternoon was filled with friends and family, pizza and cake and two siblings who were probably more excited than their sister whose birthday it actually was. Turning two heralded the advent of something else, her start, proper at nursery.

Today, at 1pm precisely Lucy arrived at nursery, Peppa Pig rucksack filled with nappies and changes of clothes and the ever present Pooh bear. Having had her four settling in visits she strode in confidently, shook off her coat and gave me a kiss and disappeared into the quiet room to look at the books. The home link book gave me lots of details about what she did so I felt like I had something to talk about with her. It was very odd driving the car with no children to look at, and very quiet, will definitely be taking a CD with me tomorrow as might actually get to hear the words of the songs.

When I went to collect her, having rounded up Heather and Matthew from school the children were playing outside. Lucy was happily bumbling about in the play area, when she spotted me I was relieved that she called out Mummy and came for a cuddle, however, she did go off again, obviously having fun. There were no tears and I cannot believe she has been so good. I worry that in a few days, when she realises that this will be a regular event we may get a wobble but until then I am riding the happy wave!

I am looking forward to getting some writing done as the ideas notebook is overflowing whereas the drafts one is ominously empty!

Heather is turning into quite the little mummy, tonight after the bath was running and I had called Matthew for the third time she very seriously said to me;
'Mummy, can I bath the kids tonight?'
I was quite surprised and said to her,
'If they're kids what are you?'
'Well I'm a kid too, but I'm the biggest, you can have a rest!.'
As lovely as her offer was I had to put safety first and allow her to help, besides if her attempt to do the dusting, which resulted in more dust being spread around the house than cleaned is anything to go by the decision was a wise one! She has asked to help with dinner tomorrow, as well as offering to throw me a birthday party, wonder how long it will last.

1 comment:

diney said...

sorry having pc probs and my other comment seems to have disappeared...oh well! Iwas just saying how lovely that your young lady sees herself now as mummy's helper - long may it last! My 10 year old is just starting to help lay the table and so on now, so Heather is being very thoughtful s young! Hope the meal is a success too - that should be fun to write about!