
Monday, January 11, 2010


Before I start, according to the statistics this is the 100th post, a milestone!

Well, in case you hadn't noticed it has been snowing of late. Living in the depths of Essex we were bracing ourselves as weather warning followed warning but no snow came, well some did, just not very much. As the news showed us images of everyone else getting stuck and so on I sympathised but couldn't empathise and so I sulked a bit! The kids school was open all week, only closing early (230 and 2) when the forecast was at its worse but was one of the few schools in the area to open. Admittedly other parts of Essex were hard hit but today not there is very little in the way of snow and ice in the locality the schools (not ours which is running as per) are opening late and closing early.

We have been out and built a snowman although it has to be said Matthew mostly trundled around with his toys as usual and wanted to go down the slide, which we vetoed on account that he would look like a walking snowman if he did. They two big ones made snow angels and then we came in for a cuppa and a biscuit. Lucy, unable to participate in the fun fully due to her leg watched us with a bemused expression.

Lucy however is managing with her leg, by the third day she was crawling or bum shuffling to get about and over the weekend she the last few days she has adapted her walking to fit her leg, so unaided she can now walk about and looks very pleased with herself for doing so. I have urged her to reconsider, begged her to sit down and pleaded with her to at least accept some support all to no avail. I cannot wait for the 27th to be rid of the cast have her back to normal.

Hope you are all coping with the snow and staying warm.

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