
Sunday, August 30, 2009

The final furlong

Well it's nearly here, back to school! The last bank holiday of the summer signals for many parents that the longed for time is nearly upon them. I was however, after a few drinks and watching the film AI the return to school.

No longer can we lounge about in the morning, taking breakfast slowly, instead we have to be up, dressed and out of the house by 830. Gone are the days when we can consider our options in the morning and decided if we want to visit the zoo, farm or park as our fancy takes us. Instead we have to complete homework, check book bags and clubs restart.

Indeed my authority becomes diminished as teachers take over, you have to be there to drop them off and pick them up on time and this year I will be doing the two stage pick up. Matthew is starting in nursery so he will be attending from 9-1130 and we will then be returning to pick Heather up at the end of the day.

Dancing, Tumble Tots and the all new swimming lessons dominate the weekend and after school schedules as well as reading books and homework. I have on the whole enjoyed the holidays and they seem to have gone by rather quickly.

We have had visits to two farms, a zoo, our holiday to Florida, meeting up with friends, a birthday and a wonderful wedding and fun filled days in the garden, walks to the postbox and so on. My main regret is not doing more arty stuff although the interference and destruction that Lucy has proved herself capable of seem to justify that decision. I will miss the kids though when they are at school, Heather bought lump to my throat when she made me a little card, as is her habit at the moment. In it she said 'she was looking forward to going back to school but that she would miss me and be thinking of me!' Lucy will miss them too although she will be able to play with all the toys she wants without risk of injury from an incandescent Matthew.

We are trying to encourage the children to be a little more musical, Matthew hsa shown good rhythm with the drums and Heather has learnt a couple of scales on the piano and Lucy is discovering spinning around until you are dizzy. I, on the other hand seem to have received the thumbs down. After a few days of jiggling and singing I left the music on after the kids were in bed, I was enjoying Bon Jovi and Bryan Adams and it was when Take That were playing that Heather appeared;
'Mummy, can you stop singing please, I can't get to sleep because it's irritating me.'
Move over Simon Cowell!


Anonymous said...

sounds nice! Visiting Farms! Holiday in Florida! Wow!

Have a nice time!

Maria said...

Heather enjoys writing doesn't she? You mentioned that before. Reminds me of my Mel!