
Monday, January 28, 2008

LIfe is settled for now

Well things seems to have settled into a natural rhythm as we approach half term. Christmas only seems five minutes ago but already we are heralding in February and Easter hot on it's heels!

Now the birth of our third child seems a lot more real, until the New Year we were busily preparing for the festivities but now I have hit 30 weeks plus - having three children is a lot closer.

Still the sales were kind to our ever shrinking pockets and the car seat is ready and waiting, her room is decorated and the new name plaque just needs to be stuck to the door. Heather is not sure at all about what to think and anyone with more than one child will probably understand that other children whilst trying to share in the excitement of the new child are also struggling to find their own position in the family.

I am beginning to wonder how I will cope, the car seems a lot smaller now all the car seats are fitted and the house is definitely smaller! A big clear out of toys during the necessary (despite my husband's protestations to the contrary)preparation, has helped make way for some new things.

The itching I experienced with Matthew seems to have returned so I am hoping that when I visit the consultant in a few weeks time I might come away with a date for having the baby. Obstetric Colestasis is certainly no fun but at least I know what to expect now, just hope she doesn't do a Matthew and come early just to confuse all our carefully laid plans! Arriving in the Easter holidays would be most considerate of her, no more early morning rushes and a hubby with two weeks paternity leave would be more welcome than struggling with two kids who are bored and a Mum whose fastest pace is a waddle!

We have a growth scan in the half term as well, I am not sure what Heather will make of that but it will be odd to see a practically fully formed baby on the screen instead of a blurry blob seen at the beginning of the pregnancy. What if she's big? The other two have been small and wasy, well relatively speaking of course to squeeze out!

Whilst I am looking forward to having her I am glad this is my last pregnancy, I have to say the aches and pains will not be missed but having said that feeling her squirming about inside me is magical and I will miss that!

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