
Monday, July 20, 2009

Back to Reality

Yesterday we touched back down into the UK, all three kids safe and sound despite their best attempts to lose themselves, injure themselves and stay in the US.

The flight out was a nightmare, the first are we nearly there yet coming at approximately 5 minutes after take off and continuing for the next eight hours despite lots of little presents. Still we were there and through customs, negotiated driving the 'wrong' way and arrived at the hotel. One room change later as the first lacked the requested bunk beds we were oohing and aahing at giraffes and waterbucks raoming free outside.

The kingdom of Disney awaited and the next 14 days were filled with queuing for rides, to shake hands with characters, watching parades with characters dancing, walking, thunderstorms and wonder for the children. I discovered that Disney with kids is very different from Disney with adults, no longer could we fast pass our way thought the thrilling roller coasters, instead we spent hours waiting to be greeted by Captain Hook and the princesses. Neither could we stay out all night and visit all the restaurants, Matthew spent far too much time running about and causing general disruption to venture much further than the Rainforest cafe or new T-REX place. Yet despite the exhausting nature of it all and the frequent thunderstorms we had a great time.

Lucy perhaps found it hardest to adjust and jetlag was biting as she slept for 15 hours! Hopefully we have now reset our body clocks and can look forward to six weeks of school holiday. I am hoping to return to my writing targets and am chuffed that the early nights on holiday did mean I could read 2 and a half books!

1 comment:

Maria said...

Welcome back dear Mel, hope you are feeling refreshed and fine. Kids & Mr. T. also. Missed you!