
Monday, June 8, 2009

Matthew turns three in a manic week!

What a week that was, I am glad I have survived to tell the tale. Mr T told us he had to go to New York on Tuesday until at least the weekend, it is now Monday again and he won't be home until at least Wednesday!

Back to last week...
Monday saw Lucy having her MMR, I was dreading it as she has become a little bit of a drama queen, tantrums involve kicking your legs in the air whilst screaming loudly and rolling about a bit for extra effect. Despite my fears she was an angel, not a sound did she utter although she did give the nurse a good stare. Not too bad.

Tuesday was meeting day, I had to return to the school for a meeting about Matthews entry into the school. It is a chance to meet the other new parents and be reminded of all the things we are supposed to be doing. It involved a rather quick turn around from the school run leaving a long suffering Grandma in charge of the hordes!

Wednesday was a day I was dreading as it was Matthews turn to visit the school. He was ever confident knowing the teacher, several of the children and the layout of the school. He charged around the place making himself at a home and I only had to pretend not to know him once, when he decided to take a plastic shopping trolley down the slide, it could have been worse. On the way home his 'I had a lovely time' told me that it was unlikely he would have many problems settling in come September.

Thursday was my little boy's third birthday. He opened his presents and cards enthusiastically and was exceptionally pleased with his Fireman Sam vehicle set courtesy of Grumps. He was eager to get on his bike so off we went to the park which has a generous cycle track after Heather was safely at school. His smile said how much he was enjoying himself. Next on the list was casting my vote in the election, sadly Matthew was a little disappointed when we got to the vote as he thought we were going to the boat! Lunch came next and then after collecting Heather from school we had more visitors and presents. Tea was provided by Domino's Pizza and the Roary cake his Daddy had lovingly prepared went down very well with all parties concerned.

Friday tested my resolve it has to be said as Heather burst into tears at the school gates, she didn't want to leave me, missed her Daddy and was having had a busy week overtired. She was eventually prized off and coaxed in and I managed to hold myself together until I got home and had a strong cup of tea to cry into. Tumble Tots tackled, and the discovery that Matthew, now having reached three was being promoted into the big boy's group where the mummies sit and watch filled me with a little dread! I'm sure it'll be fine! Gulp!

We then went to have dinner with friends and we had a lovely dinner watching the kids wear themselves out with very crazy dancing and laughter! The weekend was a blur of organised activities and visitors and fun was had. I have to say I am looking forward to Mr T's return, partly as Heather and Matthew have really missed him ,as have I but also because I always seem to be more on edge when he is away, at night noises that are normal, take on more sinister meanings, things that annoy me seem magnified and I feel the weight of responsibility heavily on my shoulders.

In other news Lucy is finally finding her feet and has managed to stand up by herself and has even walked ten steps without falling over! Soon she will be running all over the place and I will be moaning about that then. Here's to a quieter week!


Kelly said...

The picture of Lucy giving the nurse a stare made me laugh, and I am sure was much easier for you than a tantrum! Sounds like a busy week, hope this one is calmer!

Katherine said...

Ohh the joys of baby's first steps! My #3 is on the verge of crawling, very exciting times :) Award for you at mine when I've posted it up

Maria said...

Never a dull moment with kids around, is there?

Anonymous said...

it sounds lovely! if u have a moment drop into my blog!