When I see other babies now I wonder at how small they are and how helpless.
So how did we mark such an auspicious event? Well being as it was Red nose day school events took over to some extent as Heather had to wear something funny on her head, luckily we had made a hat the previous weekend.
Matthew had his weekly visit to Tumble Tots and so Lucy opened her presents in the morning, helped by Heather and Matthew. She did seem to like them and has spent time tasting each of her birthday cards.
The chocolate caterpillar cake may have been ill advised on mess grounds;
but seemed to satisfy all on taste grounds and there was the obligatory loud, out of tune rendition of Happy Birthday, and to her credit Lucy managed not to cry. She was rather bemused by the idea of blowing out a candle although Heather and Matthew both took turns afterwards!
The weekend was filled with visitors and as I had cautioned Heather that she would not be receiving presents and that people would be coming to see Heather she greeted every visitor with the words; 'Is that for Lucy?'
I have to admit I am getting a little excited, next month should herald the arrival of my first ever royalty cheque and while it will not be life changing in terms of the numbers printed on it, it will be life changing in the sense that it will confirm me as a paid writer, able to earn some money through what I have written.
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