
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Trying to get the children out in the rain

Well today it has decided to throw it down typically starting the minute we set foot out of the door on the school run, more of a crawl lately though. After splashing our way through the puddles in the car park I managed to drop Hpops off at her school class room and steer my youngest back to the car.

I am studying for a second degree with the OU in philosophy and creative writing so had to check my messages and so on whilst dodging cups and other missiles that my 16month old had decided to throw in my direction.

The most fun part of the day so far trying to get out of the house for our Tumble Tots session- pouring with rain and a 3 year old who wants to jump in every puddle she can find and a 16mth who has decided it is time to go to sleep just before we go! Bundle their coats on and try to convince Hpops that she wants her hood on because it really is raining hard. Anyway after the 30 second dash to the car we are off through the floods of Billericay and then home again to be confronted with cries of ,"I need to watch the Lion King." Quite what would happen if this pleasure was denied I don't know but at least it will give me 10 minutes before she loses interest to do all the things I was supposed to do earlier.

By the way I love being a busy Mum but I am hoping that anyone who reads this blog will see that it is not just a job but a vocation and not an easy choice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's the toughest job in the world!